Debate – What is the purpose of physical education?

As with most things concerning education, the are many different perspectives concerning the purpose of physical education.

cc licensed ( BY SA ) flickr photo shared by Karen Eliot

“For a half century or more we’ve debated whether physical education should be an education of or through the physical. Should we be focusing exclusively on the body, or emphasizing social, emotional, and cognitive benefits?” (Jefferies, 2012).

“Should physical education’s purpose be to contribute to physical activity, or is physical activity the way we help people become physically educated?”  (Jefferies, 2012).

Should we be teaching sports specific skills, or more general movement based activities? Is there room for tests and paper assignments in the physical education classroom? Should participation be for marks?

What do you think?

No really, we want to know! Use the comment button in the top right hand corner of this post and have your say!


Jefferies, S. (2012, November). Eggs and Chickens: What’s Fresh and Foul in Physical Education? pelinks4u. Volume 14, Number 9. Retrieved from

“Jump and Jiggle” by Evelyn Beyer…Putting poetry in motion

I got a wonderful lesson idea that incorporates movement from: Integrating poetry and movement for children with learning and/or behavioral disabilities (Boswell, Boni, and Mentzer, 1995).

cc licensed ( BY NC SA )  flickr photo shared by Alanna George

Using the poem, “Jump or Jiggle” by Evelyn Beyer, you can explore poetry through motion! Boswell, Boni, and Mentzer explain that this is a particularly good activity for hyperactive children (1995). You could take this lesson in a number of directions, from teaching specific movements that correlate with lines of the poem, or allowing the students to create their own movement. They could also extend their learning by creating their own movement poem once they were done (Boswell, Boni, and Mentzer, 1995)! Be creative, but don’t forget to get moving!

“Jump or Jiggle” by Evelyn Beyer

Frogs jump
Caterpillars hump

Worms wiggle
Bugs jiggle

Rabbits hop
Horses clop

Snakes slide
Sea gulls glide

Mice creep
Deer leap

Puppies bounce
Kittens pounce

Lions stalk
But–I walk!


Boswell, B. B., & Mentzer, M. (1995). Integrating poetry and movement for children with learning and/or behavioral disabilities.Intervention In School & Clinic31(2), 108.

Zumba to get moving – classroom fitness ideas

Are you are finding that by the last period the kids are climbing the walls but either the gym is booked, or you only have a short amount of time? If so, here is a suggestion — Zumba!

Check out this video –This class is being held in a relatively small room, all the equipment needed is some fast paced music and an enthusiastic leader.

TheZumbaFitness. (2010, July 31). Children’s Zumba Fitness-Zumbaaa [Video File]. Retrieved from